Sidney Gulch Fish Passage Improvement Project
Sidney Gulch is a coho bearing, highly urbanized stream in Weaverville, Trinity County. The Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program (5C) has worked with the US Forest Service Trinity River Management Unit to develop a concept design for the restoration of the segments of Sidney Gulch that run through the USFS Ranger Station compound. The target reach consists of a concrete channel with very little instream and riparian vegetation and no instream habitat. The goals of the project are to complete designs for the 0.31 miles of stream for salmon migration with increased habitat complexity (e.g., LWD, pools, riffles), which would include ~1.5 acres of enhanced riparian vegetation. Access to ~1.8 miles of suitable salmon habitat, including the target restoration treatment segments, would be restored. These restoration goals are balanced by compound management objectives for historic resources, parking, and other concerns.

The 5C Program is working with an engineering firm to work with its in-house engineering staff to complete a final design based on the concept with the input of 5C, USFS, and stakeholders.
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