Weaver Creek Private Roads Sediment Source Inventory
The inventory targets all privately owned roads within the watershed including East Weaver Creek, West Weaver Creek, Sidney Gulch, Little Browns Creek and Democrat Gulch. The goal is to locate and assess problematic sediment sources to Weaver Creek from private roads.
Excessive sediment loads to Weaver Creek and the Trinity River can negatively impact salmon and steelhead populations by reducing the survival rate of eggs and young fish before they have a chance to out-migrate to the ocean. Studies have shown road improvements can reduce sediment loads significantly.
This inventory will be performed at no cost to the landowner. The funding covers inventory, assessment, and prioritization of private roads. Implementation of sediment reducing projects based on the inventory - such as upgraded stream crossings, installation of rolling dips, and modifying the shape of the road - would be part of a future project.
Landowners participating in this program benefit from having experts identify sediment sources on their roads and will receive treatment recommendations. The 5C is partnering with the Watershed Research and Training Center (WRTC), a 501(c)3 non-profit, on this program. Staff from both organizations will work with private landowners on an individual basis. Neither organization has any regulatory role or authority. It is important to note that the inventory is focused on private road related sediment and is not intended to identify sediment sources from any other land-use activities.
5C has assessed and implemented improvements on private roads within the Browns Creek watershed (see photos below) and on county roads in Weaverville, Douglas City, Junction City, and Lewiston. Some of the types of improvements implemented include replacing undersized or damaged culverts or install rolling dips to divert run-off from the road to prevent eroding the surface.
A more detailed description of the inventory and overall purpose is outlined here. Landowners interested in participating in the inventory who have not already responded to the January mailing should contact Cindy Buxton at (530) 623-3967 x115. A landowner interest form may be downloaded here.
Examples of sites identified and treated in past Browns Creek inventory:
Photo 1. Pre-storm conditions in Browns Creek watershed tributary at private culvert.

Photo 2. Culvert inlets following large rain event.

Photo 3. Culvert outlets after significant storm damage as seen in early February 2015.

Photo 4. Outlet of new culvert (properly sized for watershed) looking downstream after repair.
