Siskiyou County Project Update
In 2008, two dams on Whites Gulch were removed by the Salmon River Restoration Council, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, and NOAA. The lower barrier, a 16-foot wide, 90-foot long multiplate arch culvert (below, top) on Whites Gulch Road was replaced by Siskiyou County Public Works in September 2009 (below, bottom). This project allows complete access to 3.5 miles of perennial, shaded cold water refugia in this tributary to the North Fork Salmon River.
The Salmon River retains the only viable population of Spring Chinook Salmon in the Klamath River watershed & Whites Gulch provides excellent rearing habitat for Spring chinook. The project was funded by the Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath River Restoration Program, California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program & Siskiyou County Department of Public Works.

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The 5C Enews is funded through the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program through the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
Image of Chinook Fry at top of page courtesy of USFWS & Dan Cox