Lower Sidney Gulch Urban Stream Restoration Project
The project is located within Lee Fong Park in Weaverville, Trinity County. The project area consists of the sections of Sidney Gulch between Bremer St bridge and the southern edge of the Park property. Coho salmon, a federally threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), are drawn to Sidney Gulch. But there are few places to hide and to make their redds (nests). High velocity flows through that simple stretch of channel have washed out redds. The concept design goals: introduce new habitat areas for fish to spawn and hide, allow the stream to meander, increase vegetation near the stream, and reduce the floodplain in some areas. The project footprint is a ribbon centered around the current path of Sidney Gulch with some changes. Major park features and overall uses will not be affected by proposed changes.
The designs focus on three main sections of the creek (reaches): Reaches 1 & 2 located just downstream of the Bremer St bridge that run parallel to the Lee Fong Park parking lot and Reach 3, which begins just downstream of the section of Park bordered by Frontier to the east and continues to the southern end of the Park (see designs listed below). Due to the relatively confined nature of the creek in the more developed sections of Reaches 1 & 2, there were much fewer options for modifications and improvement. Therefore the concept design only shows one proposed design for those upper Reaches 1 & 2. Because Reach 3 is bordered on both sides by open park land managed by the Park District, there were multiple options presented to the Park District. Alternative 2 is the preferred option for Reach 3 as selected by the District's Board and is the one developed into a 65% design.
Public Input is Welcome
The Weaverville Douglas City Parks & Recreation District is hearing public input about the project at their meeting on Thursday, December 10th at 5pm via Zoom:
Topic: WDCPRD Board Meeting November/December 2020
Time: Dec 10, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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The 5C Program will make a brief presentation onthe 65% designs, which will be followed by an opportunity for questions and public input.
Current Condition Images: |

Above: Storm events overtop sections of Sidney Gulch - such as this Jan 2016 storm shown in Reach 1 within Lee Fong Park. Boulders indicate the edge of the existing parking lot. Sections of walking path are flooded. Picture taken looking east from parking lot.

Above: Area shown in first picture in Reach 1 in 2011. Picture taken between parking lot and creek looking north toward Bremer St.

Above: Section of Park adjacent to Reach 2 of the proposed restoration design. Stakes show proposed changes, which would require modifications to the existing path where it touches the current top of the streambank. Picture taken just west of the creek looking north.
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