Trinity County Drought Information
Drought Conditions
Drought conditions are continuing throughout the state of California, and it is essential that everyone does their part to reduce excess water useage. Governor Brown Jr. declared a drought state of emergency on January 17th, 2015. On April 1, 2015, the Governor issued an Executive Order with multiple directives to conserve water and prepare for the summer drought season. The image below illustrates drought conditions as of March 2015. Click the images below or here for a link to the most current drought conditions in California. The Watershed Research & Training Center and Trinity County Resource Conservation District maintain a local Trinity County Drought facebook page.

The California Data Exchange Center maintains a Daily Drought Summary page with the latest information on reservoir storage, snowpack, and precipitation.
Please contact us for more information.
Water Rights Information
Water rights law in California can be complex and sometimes confusing. A summary of state water rights and local contact information is available in this brochure, prepared by partner organization the Salmonid Restoration Federation. Anyone diverting surface water (streams, rivers, springs) are required by state law to file a statement of water diversion that includes the amount of water being diverted, method and location of diversion, and basis of water right. Any change in the diversion must also be reported. The Statement of Water Diversion and Use form is available on the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) water use reports webpage. The SWRCB also maintains a useful list of frequently asked questions about its Statement of Water Diversion and Use Program.
What You Can Do
Keep an eye on conditions in your local creeks. Minimize use of water, especially during periods of low flow. Landowners that are not serviced by a community water supply should consider water storage tanks to help ensure that they have sufficient backup storage. It is recommended that tanks be filled at night using a trickle fill or solar pump to avoid drying up the creek and killing fish and other aquatic species. Sanctuary Forest, a local land trust, has developed helpful information on storing water, water rights, and related conservation concepts. Check out the 5C Water Conservation webpage for ideas on how you can save water at home, both inside your house and outside.
For those cultivating cannabis, there are best management practices from the Environmental Protection Information Center and other information from State Water Resources Control Board. There is a workshop on Cannabis Compliance this Friday 4/24/15 at Douglas City Fire Hall from 5:30 – 7:30 pm.
If you see something that concerns you about the welfare of the creek and local wildlife, please contact the appropriate agency below.
Agency Response & Local Contacts
The State of California has a state drought webpage with information on the latest statewide efforts, executive orders, and agency updates. However, specific agencies have also developed a drought strategy.
State Water Resources Control Board
The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) was directed by the Governor to "notify water right holders that they may be directed to cease or reduce water diversions from streams and rivers later this season due to low water conditions." Visit the SWRCB drought webpage for more information on this curtailment effort and other drought actions that the SWRCB is taking.
• Steve Marquez, Division of Water Rights, 916.341.5350;
• Matthew McCarthy, Division of Water Rights, 916.341.5310;
• Kathy Mrowka, Division of Water Rights, Enforcement Section, 916.341.5363;
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
• Gil Falcone, Water Quality Certification 401 Program, 707.576.2830
• Diana Henrioulle, Cannabis Enforcement Unit, 707.576.2350;
• Stormer Feiler, Cannabis Enforcement Unit, 707.534.7128;
California Department of Fish & Wildlife
The CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) is working with other agencies and interested landowners to address the drought locally. This may involve working with local, interested landowners to conduct stream monitoring for temperature and flow. This is a new effort that is still being developed. More information will be posted here as soon as it is available. The CDFW drought webpage has information on the drought related actions that CDFW is taking in order to preserve and protect our fish and wildlife resources.
• The CDFW has a CalTIP hotline for anonymously reporting polluters and poachers. 1 888 334-CALTIP (888.334.2258)
• Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements and information: Katherine Grossman, 530.225.2239;
Trinity County
• Board of Supervisors, 530.623.1217; District map
• Keith Groves, District 1 Supervisor,
• Judy Morris, District 2 Supervisor,
• Karl Fisher, District 3 Supervisor,
• Bill Burton, District 4 Supervisor,
• John Fenley, District 5 Supervisor,
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
If you have observed of know about any activity, conduct or physical evidence you suspect to be illegal or unauthorized that is impacting, or threatening to impact, California's environment or the public health, contact CalEPA through their online complaint form.
Resources for Additional Ideas & Information
Funding for this project comes from: California Environmental Protection Agency State Water Resources Control Board
Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resource Control Board. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the State Water Resources Control Board, nor does mention of the trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
(Gov. Code. 7550; 40 CFR 31.20)
Funding support to create more user-friendly, detailed information in order to facilitate better water resources management and public awareness also was generously provided by the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR), from the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 via Humboldt County on behalf of the seven county North Coast Resource Partnership region under the North Cost Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (NCIRWMP) Proposition 84 Planning Grant.