Leaping Steelhead, photo by Jill K Duffy - all rights reserved

Fish Passage Design Workshop-Feb 6-8, 2013 - Ukiah CA
The 5C Program hosted a 3-day workshop intended for staff involved in the design and implementation of fish passage projects. The workshop consisted of two full days classroom learning and one day of hands-on field work. Instructors Michael Love, Kozmo Bates & Ross Taylor focused on the design and implementation process including biological considerations, site surveys, geomorphic assessment, state and federal guidance, stream simulation design, grade control techniques, retrofitting of existing crossings, contracting, and monitoring.

Ryan Creek crossing in Mendocino County will be featured on the field visits

Workshop attendees requested that we post info & handouts from the workshop for their reference. Please select the presentation information you are interested in from the list below.

Speaker's Presentation Slides Please note that all slides and handouts are the property of the individial presenters with all rights reserved.

Contents of workshop binders materials are the property of the individuals/organizations who prepared them with all rights reserved.

This workshop and the information above is sponsored by the Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program and funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program.

For information on the workshop contact:

Workshop attendees view Johnson Ck crossing in 2006

Please contact us for more info.
