5C Featured Projects Gallery
Man-made barriers to fish passage and sources of road related sediment are the predominant projects that the 5C Program targets. However, the 5C also undertakes wetlands and urban stream improvement projects. Recent examples of a variety of projects are featured below. For more information on the predominant project types, visit the Fish Passage Improvement and Sediment Reduction pages.

Del Norte County-Jordan Creek
Del Norte County has implemented six Migration Barrier Removal Projects. Our featured project is the Jordan Creek Migration Barrier Removal Project....more |

Humboldt County-South Fork Anker Creek
Humboldt County has removed 22 migration barriers, restoring access to approximately 35 miles of anadromous habitat. Our featured project is the South Fork Anker Creek Migration Barrier Removal...more |

Mendocino County-Ryan Creek
This project will eliminate the potential for 7,975 cubic yards of sediment, accommodate 100-year flows and restore access to 3 miles of spawning and rearing habitat...more |

Siskiyou County-Whites Gulch
Siskiyou County has been involved in many stream crossing replacement projects. The Merrill Creek Migration Barrier Removal project is featured...more |

Trinity County-Conner Creek
The goal for this project is to provide full passage for all life stages of fish by removing two County road culverts that prevented migration...more |