Welcome & Site Overview
General information on the 5C Program is found below on this page. Information about specific projects and programs are available through the menu on the left. News and current events are featured near the top of this page. Projects are featured with pictures on the bottom half of the menu on the left. Feel free to contact us with questions or to tell us what you think by clicking Cont@ct at the upper right of any page.
Current Headlines:
Five Counties Program Statement
In 1997, the northwestern California Counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Siskiyou & Trinity agreed to collaborate on a proactive, positive response to the federal listing of Coho salmon as a Threatened species by forming the Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program (5C). The primary 5C goal is "to strive to protect the economic and social resources of Northwestern California by providing for the conservation and restoration of salmonid populations to healthy and sustainable levels and to base decisions on watershed rather than county boundaries."
In February 2009, the 5C Program transferred from Trinity County administration to the Northwest California Resource Conservation & Development Council whose mission is to enhance the ability of area residents to develop diverse opportunities through the utilization of available resources. The Program maintains its relationship with all five Counties and will continue to build on the watershed restoration and planning work that has been integral to the Program over the past 10 years.
5C's specific objectives include:
- Improve County policies and road maintenance practices with a strong emphasis on training.
- Identify potential restoration opportunities through inventories of fish passage barriers and potential sediment sources on County maintained roads.
- Increase the amount of salmonid habitat by replacing stream crossings that are barriers to migration with structures that provide for passage.
- Improve water quality by treating identified sources of road related sediment.
- Devise methods to streamline permitting procedures, specifically under the ESA, CA ESA, the Clean Water Act, and California Fish and Game Code.
- Collaborate with other organizations, agencies, and regional groups on restoration and conservation.
- Develop model regulations only where other means cannot be utilized to address land use activities regulated by the Counties.
- Secure grant program and project funding from a variety of Federal, State, and Local sources.
The 5C Program is highly effective in promoting and sustaining collaborative efforts that capitalize on technical assets of participants and in leveraging financial support from numerous sources. 5C recognizes that taking on these challenges will lead to a healthier environment, sustainable fisheries, and better County facilities, all of which contribute to a more robust economy.
5C Program Area
The Program region encompasses the Coho ESU within the five counties, which includes the following major watersheds:

Albion River
Bear River
Big River
Black Butte River
Eel River
Elk River
Garcia River
Klamath River
Knopki River
Little River
Mad River
Mattole River
Navarro River
Noyo River
New River
Salmon River
Salt River
Scott River
Shasta River
Smith River
Ten Mile River
Trinity River
Van Duzen River
The 5C region excludes the Russian and Gualala River systems.
5C Program Activities
The 5C has completed dozens of restoration projects to restore fish passage, protect water quality, and improve salmon habitat. This work is described in more detail on our Programs and Projects pages. A summary of the most recent 5C efforts is found on our News page.
The 5C Program acknowledges the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program for early support of the Program's Goals and Projects. It is unique in that it not only provided project specific support, it also facilitated numerous critical day-to-day activities including establishment of this website. Please see our About Us page for a complete list of 5C funding partners.
Special thanks to Jill K. Duffy for permission to use her photo "Leaping Steelhead" on our website. The image is copyrighted, with all rights reserved.
Thanks to Web Guru Sue Rhodes for creating our website.

The 5C Program is a project of the Northwest California Resource Conservation & Development Council, a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation. Your donations to the 5C Program help conserve important salmonid habitat and are tax deductable. Use the button below to donate via our PayPal account. We will send a thank you letter to acknowledge your donation.
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Website updated 07.29.2022